Hiring a Web Development Solution Company is not straight forward as it seems, the majority of business owners face difficulties to find a company who best suits for their project. To get relief from different dilemma many companies hire agent and pay money to choose the right web developers for them.
Businesses are facing a huge challenge as the customers are expecting to have an online presence of your business rather than visiting the physical store. A quality website Can create a strong visual identity for your business. Developers with excellent technical and coding skills can only deliver a high-end web development solution. So, choosing a web developer is one of the most critical decisions for a business owner and its really matter that you hire real talent.
Here are some suggestions that may help you to find the best web development solution company:
Interview your developer
Interview or consultation is a great way to determine if someone fit for your purpose. It’s extremely important that you ask relevant questions that will reveal whether a Web development solution company has the right skill to solve your problem.
So, to conduct a successful interview, do some research on google about your problem and find out some relevant comments and possible recommended solutions. Also, take note to prepare a questionnaire and try to find the answers. The consultation with some of the service providers will give you much more inner information and clues, that will reduce your confusion and you will be more confident to make a decision.
If you come up with five questions, make sure you get at least three satisfied answers from the interviewees, to put them in your shortlist and finally identified your ideal candidate, who best fit the purpose.
Front End development skills
HTML and CSS are the primary tools for developing websites. Proficiency in these languages can create a huge customers impression by designing an extraordinarily home or landing page.
(HTML) language is used to create the foundation of web pages whereas CSS used to add style to the pages by creating a layout, fonts, color, so one. So, both of these languages are absolutely essential for a front-end developer.
If you need to add interactive feature – audio and video, games, page animations, illustration, live chat option, to your website that allows you and your clients to communicate/interact so easily, then you need a web developer who have enough skill of JavaScript/jQuery as this is the tool your developer has to use to build an interactive website for you.
CSS and JavaScript frameworks are amazing tools if you want to add more fun to your site. So it’s important that your web development solution company know how to use different CSS and javascript framework together such as pairing Bootstrap with another JavaScript framework like AngularJS, and ensure best use of them.
Expertise in back-end Coding & Language
Back-end developers are responsible to make web applications functional. Therefore, server-side scripting languages like Ruby or PHP and necessary technological expertise are the key knowledge that your back-end developer should have. More so, server maintenance, Knowledge about common databases like MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL, security compliance and expertise to version control are essential. Proficiency is also required on front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScripts to work with front end developers to achieve maximum perfection. Finally, Peak web performance by choosing the right developer.
Expertise to use Automation Tools
Your developer should know how to use automation tools like gulpjs, gruntjs to optimize images, minifying CSS JavaScript, clean code and increase overall web performance. If your site takes more than 3 to 4 seconds to download pages, your customers will not be going to stay on your site. You can ask your developer about his plan to speed up the site.
Understanding of responsive design Principles
Previously we used to use one device to look at a website, however these days people use multiple device such as desktop, laptop, tablet and mostly mobile to visit site pages. We recommend judging that your web development company have a very good understanding of responsive design principles, CSS frameworks and how to implement them on the coding side.
Creativity and innovation skill
The majority of web development company have ordinally skill and do not update their technical knowledge over time. Remember that adding one or two creative features, infographic, a lively, interactive menu to your website can make a huge change in your business. the common design creates no appeal to the customer and they leave the site with a second, or immediately.
A professional company usually handle the client and the project very seriously, they used to maintain time, try to understand the client’s expectation and know how to build a long-term relationship. A good web development company always admire their client’s opinion and feedback and have a culture to improve based on their customer’s comments. Usually, they have their own innovative process and craft of web development and skills helps to articulate your project effectively.
Previous Evidence of Success
The previous working experience and evidence of success are very important to judge any developer company. If the company has a proven track record of good workings, it’s quite sure that your end experience would also be satisfying. So, have a look on web development portfolio and ask to show you some recent work, discuss your requirement with them to make sure that they will be able to support in all the aspects you need.
Analyze customer feedback
Customers reviews are a great source of information to know about any business or company services.
Specially, you should find out the review that rate 3 or below and Look for any complain about- Missing deadlines, the ability to understand the work and negligence in delivery, promptness of reply of any query and their attitude towards team works.
Of course, it’s also important to analyze their good review to identify their strength as a web development solution company.
Once you summarize the positive points and negative points it would be much easier for you to decide whether you should select that or look for a better fit.
Start with a small project first
You may confident that you select the perfect company for you, however, my suggestion is to start with a small project. Practical working experience will give a chance to decide whether your selection was right and should you continue with this company for further work. Thus, a trial investment can save enormous time, cost and relief you from mental hazards.
Flexboxmedia.com a web development solutions company where we offer a high-end solution of all your code related requirements and lots of other web services. We take pride in our professional team who have a handful of knowledge and expertise in almost all areas of digital flew.
Our website development services include website maintenance, custom website design & development, WordPress development, PHP development, Joomla development, Drupal development, content marketing, Website Maintenance, Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation(SEO), Pay Per Click(PPC) Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Software development, App development, and branding your site.
Get Free Quotation from the top Web development solution company:
Business/Professional website E-commerce website/online store
Website Maintenance Digital marketing
Search Engine Optimisation Pay Per Click Marketing
Social Media Marketing Content marketing
Software development App development